Asset management
Let us handle your inventory
When we manage assets on behalf of our customers, the assets are handled as TDA-owned inventory. Money is invested in repairs to bring items to the highest quality standards if necessary, relieving the customer and generating maximum revenues as a result.
At TDA we maintain an open-door policy, enabling every customer to perform audits, checks and access their inventory whenever convenient. We offer full transparency as part of the asset management program and provide frequent reporting on sales, customers, stock levels and actions taken.
As a customer you will gain access to our customized ERP software system, enabling real-time views of quoting, market intelligence, stock information, sales and much more relevant information.
Please feel free to contact us for available assets you wish to sell, consign or have managed by us. Even if you have assets with lease attached or are planning the future until they become part-out candidates, we can provide attractive solutions well in advance.
Having us manage your assets is the risk-free solution to maximizing results.

Narrow and wide-body, regional and VIP
Until now our focus has been mainly on B737NG and A320-family aircraft. However, as a result of our great success, we are in the process of expanding our business onto wide-body aircraft too.
If you have an aircraft, or assets available, please contact us.
“We offer complete nose to tail support for Boeing and Airbus narrow body aircraft”

Consignment Care Benefits
• Attractive Consignment rates
• Interesting Down Payment
• Flexible Consignment Solutions
• We will absorb all shipping costs incurred
• 24/7, 365 free-of-charge recalls
• Creating immediate valuable storage space
• Actively marketing of your inventory
• Segregated area for your consignment material
• Open-door policy for audits
• Monthly Sales Reports
• Monthly payments
• Frequent progress meetings
• Full insurance coverage