Since Sojitz Corporation from Tokyo, has taken a minority share in the TDA Holdings in October 2020, the managing board has been expanded with Takashi Imagawa (Senior Director of Business Development & Asset Management) and Takahiro Masui (Director of Financing and Accounting).
We think it is time to introduce the 2 new directors a bit more, so we fired them some questions.
On the left: Takashi Imagawa (Senior Director of Business Development and Asset Management)
On the right: Takahiro Masui (Director of Financing and Accounting)
What is your background before you accepted this new function as a member of the board at TDA?
“I have worked in risk management, corporate planning, airport related businesses, and I am familiar with Asia as I was in charge of corporate planning in Singapore from 2012 to 2016. I have done business in the U.S. before, but I have never traveled to Europe or the Netherlands, let alone done business there. However, I like the Netherlands because it is a beautiful country.”
“I studied the astrophysics at the graduate school, so originally interested in the aerospace/aviation, but noticed I like business rather than academic, so joined the aviation trading firm after graduate. I spent several years to sell used commercial jets operated by Japanese airlines which I learned the basic of aircraft trading. After that, I joined Sojitz and have deepen the experience in the aviation sector till now. When I was transferred to the Netherlands working at Sojitz Aircraft Leasing, I got to know TDA and started to work together. With the built relationship between TDA and Sojitz, I had been considering the possibility to work together more closely. As a result of long discussion, we finally found the way of capital and business alliance as strategic partnership. TDA and Sojitz agreed me on site in the Netherlands to expand the business together and strengthen the relationship further. ”

As you both work for Sojitz, A company that is known for the facts it’s active in many industries, what is the biggest difference as you are now active in a relative niche market within the aviation industry?
“I think the procedure of start project is the biggest difference. Because Sojitz implement projects or business in variety of area or industry, Business Plans are reviewed from a variety of perspectives. ”
“Although Sojitz has a variety of business fields, luckily or unluckily, most of the time I have been involved in the aviation. However, that was different from TDA business, my experience is leasing, trading, managing and handling of aviation products such as aircraft which were quite a big amount of assets.TDA handles aircraft parts which seems a relatively small amount of assets, comparing with above, however the way of business is not different. Talk to the customer, think about both parties benefit, structure and finalize the deal. Any business is done through person to person relationship.”

What do you want to establish within your position in the first year at TDA?
“I would like to implement Cashflow Management, Budget Monitoring and Credit Risk Management. Due to CV19, Aviation industry has changed, and many companies face financial
difficulty. I think TDA needs to be careful about Credit Risk of our customers, more than before. ”
“I respect 39 years of continuing business which not everybody can do. In the meantime, I can contribute, by bringing in my knowledge and experience to help TDA diversifying the business fields and develop further. As of today, I am focusing of increasing the asset management business as well as expanding of exchange and pooling business. ”

In what way could your close relation with Sojitz and the Asian region be beneficial for TDA?
“Sojitz has connection with some Asian airlines. In addition, there are many Sojitz offices in Asian countries.By using these connections and facilities, TDA will be able to expand business. ”
“Sojitz has a wide range of network within Asia. Once we got a confidence for the local demand in such country and targeted, we will start to access. .”

What synergy can be created with the partnership between the companies? And what will be your role in this?
“Sojitz has enough knowledge and experience of managing companies. In case of TDA, there are a lot of customers and business partners in Aviation industry. In addition, TDA knows about parts business very well. Therefore, collaboration of TDA and Sojitz would grow each business.”
“TDA is good at reaching the end user customer from day to day business (small and short-termperspective), meanwhile Sojitz can provide financing solution and managing the project (wide and long-term perspective). I will act as an intermediary of both companies to expand business.”

What will be the first thing you will do, when restrictions due to corona have been lifted??
“I would like to explore my new hometown Amsterdam.”
“Traveling and meeting with the customers as much as possible to introduce myself as a part of team TDA and find any business opportunity.”